Monday, August 23, 2010

The Real Consciousness of the Real Christian

The Consciousness of a Christian
There is one single word that expresses what God is trying to develop in all our lives.   The word is consciousness.   I really enjoy this word; it’s an amazing word. Consciousness means that which the soul knows.  It’s not what you believe, it’s not what you have existent faith for, it’s not what you hope, but that which the soul’s the very thing that has become concrete in your life.

Knowing vs. Believing
Let me explain myself when I said, “it’s not what you believe.” There is a find line between believing and knowing.  Let me show you...I believe that my car runs vs. I know that my car runs.  Knowing goes further with experience, the why and how’s of the experience. Understand?

Shoes & Clothing
Do you remember in Deuteronomy 8:4? When the Israelites were in the desert for 40 years their shoes and clothing never wore out! For 40 years! God stopped the process of decay in their shoes and clothing which they wore everyday...40 years! (and some wonder if God is against the decay of our bodies from sickness and disease!)
You see they KNEW of God’s power!

Ax Head
Think again of the story in 2 Kings 6:4-7 of the floating ax head! But you might saying, “ax heads don’t float!” I know one man that would argue with you! He knows they can float!  Are you getting git now?

Ask Jairus in Mark chapter 5 if God can raise the dead!  Ask the women with the issue of blood for 12 years if their’s healing power in Jesus Christ...all the time, every time!  Oh yea, you're starting to get the idea!

Disciples In The Storm, Cripple man at the Pool of Bethsada, The Woman caught in Adultery...ask them if they believe and they will tell you...they KNOW!

So you must understand that it’s God’s purpose and should be the purpose of every real christian to create a nature within themselves of a consciousness of God.  A concrete knowing...

At the last World’s Fair they featured a Congress of Religions.  All the religions of the world were invited to send representatives and present their particular religion for the good of all.
Many opposed this but, I’ve always felt that if Christianity could not demonstrate its superiority over every other religion, then our Christianity has not the place and the power that Jesus said Christianity had in this world!  Now I know God’s Word to be true and we do possess that level of the question is why hasn’t the Church grown deeper in her consciousness of God for it to be seen?

The Real Secret of Christianity The real secret of Christianity is a real consciousness of God. This alone will bring each of us into a place that we might live as kings and priest and demonstrate the superiority of the Son of God...beyond any one or anything in the whole earth!

I Peter 2:9
...for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

Now taking a step further... the real secret of a real consciousness of God is through acting upon our faith.  Taking that which we have chosen to believe and acting on it!  Jairus going to find Jesus.  Woman crawling to touch Jesus. Both acting on faith!

You Always Receive Through Someone Who KNOWS
Now many have received from God without knowing, but it’s always been through someone who KNOWS! I want you to be that someone!  I’m not simply trying to get you saved, healed, wealthy, protected...I’m trying to disciple you to GO OUT IN THIS WORLD AND BE JESUS!
Think about it....Why does Paul tell us in James 2:17 tells us that “faith without works is dead” Of course it is! I want each of you to make a decision, to step onto that which you believe, take whatever faith you have, in whatever area that God has taught you and GO! STEP OUT! TO KNOW HIM AND MAKE HIM KNOWN!  Today, I pray that every person reading this to receive the gift of faith! That today you will begin stepping out further with your faith than ever before and begin to enter that place of a real CONSCIOUSNESS!  You can do it!

Love you all, 

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